So, this is my first blog. What should I say?
There are a couple of things.
First, I'm not a native English speaker. I come from Hong Kong( Yay!), and the english level in Hong Kong has been deteriorating in a rapid rate these years (too sad), especially in the teenager age group, in which I am in. Recent years I've been trying to improve my English skills. I memorized vocabs. I read classical novels. I type formal words on Facebook. Although all these came into effect and propel me to one of the better english students in my school, I believe there are still many to learn, for I still can't be comparing myself with students from other countries. You may even see grammar mistakes and awkwardly-sounded sentences in my posts. I hope you can accept this because I am improving!
Secondly, I wrote books. I wrote a few, but I didn't published them. I do not have the intrepidity to face humiliation and disparagement. Perhaps I often compared myself to those great authors in the books I read. I do not favor modern novels. I think the old, classic ones possess more vocabulary and good sentence patterns, and more in which I can learn from. Due to this reason I always push myself to the limits, swallowing vocabulary and spit them out, thinking for a whole while before writing down every sentence. It isn't good. I want to do more in my books. I want to ameliorate my attitude of writing. Therefore, I see this blog a brilliant chance to achieve this goal.
Thirdly, I love blogs. I believe blogs are something else, even though its popularity has been diminishing year by year, it is something more treasured than Facebook and Whatsapp and those other communication medias. In blogs, you really write. I don't know what the situation is in other countries, but in Hong Kong it seemed like there are no actual communication at all in actual life. Even in those communication sites, the conversations are frivolous and trivial. Real conversations can be developed in blogs.
So now, that's all I would like to say. In the future, I will begin to write more and more on this blog. I will try to captivate my readers with special and enticing things, and also to talk about my personal beliefs and etc. Thank you and feel free to follow my blog!
P.S. I'll try increase my sense of humor:)