2014年9月25日 星期四


It seemed like something was pending. The very strange call was clearly heard. It came from a very far distance, arrived in no more than a few seconds, even it wasn't even shorter. Then we thought we had been trapped, duped by something we do not recognize. It was a hoax, and we had been tricked into it. We lost in it, by contributing too much, giving out too much, and sacrificing too much. Then the parasitic thing seemed to absorb all what we gave them, without repaying what we had suffered. It seemed like an eon had pasted by, and we did not know what has happened to our efforts and all our sweat and blood. The truth was hidden behind the mist. We are too blind to penetrate the heavy obstacle of vision. Then the very moment when we are lethargic, gradually aggravated into enfeeblement, we looked upon our life, all about giving and working, for something unknown. We often forget what our goal is. The thing had emulated the goal very well that we believed all we work for is for the thing. But at that very moment, in our dying moments, it would disclose to us its notorious, evil nature. Cruelty and brutality are what lies in it, and beside it always goes merciless and injustice. We cried and lament, but they are of no use. Our destiny is cemented at the very day we came into the world. No hope is left. Nothing can escape from the thing.
