2018年9月17日 星期一

Solace: A Tale of Foxes [Part 4/4]

Chapter 4

Space of no boundaries.
Oh how you have deceived me
With your endless opportunities
And my cheerful optimism
Lunging to hug my destiny
The greater unknown is what I dreamed of
The misguided truth is what I lived by
I can drift away without a sound
I can shape myself into any form
Or, I can be nothing at all
Sometimes I wake up and find myself in the body of a fox. I cry to the sky. I taste my skin. I feel my breath. I say to myself what a damn good way to live, then again what a damn waste it is. What a sad way to put it. Those stars, far beyond my reach, nowhere near to be found, and maybe I never even knew what they are to start with. How else shall I make my life special, when all hope is gone? It has been a headache, a burden, an excuse for anger and defiance. The light in my soul shines on no one, my desires never to be fulfilled. All these moments are gone to waste. I exist for nothing.
And so now my ranting is done. I am exhaust of breath. I lie down deflated and defeated. I waited for my life to drain, and all these meaningless seconds to transpire before my eyes. Secretly in my groin, I waited for fate to dawn upon me and infuse me with new energy, or a new life. It never came. I never stopped waiting.
Is there an answer at all? What is hiding behind the stars? What is the secret you have kept from me for so long? Is it something I can see, I can reach and touch, I can fathom? My body of blood and flesh at the face of the prodigious planetary, shape the universe before me with my every move. Is it power, or was this planned? Am I misled, or am I the one who understands? Will the question be solved, or will it live on forever?
He opened his eyes.
A sparrow glided through the treetops and perched on top of a branch. It sneaked its beaks behind its wings and pecked unmannerly. It grimaced as a scatter of particulates blew towards him, and specks of grey resembling burnt leaves settled all over the forest flow. An uncanny sight to behold, almost like an omen, of disaster brewing in the core of the woods. A squirrel crawled up the oak tree on three limbs, one hand carrying a stack of blueberries and acorns. He took notice of the surprise visitor, who bent down and was watching over something enthusiastically.
"What ye lookin' at?" He grumbled and peered through the dense oak leaves. Two small furry creatures were prancing across the forest, one trailing behind the other by a tail's length, and every ten seconds they would look at each other fondly and passionately before they broke into another segment of their gleeful waltz.
"Won't you look at that?" said the sparrow. "It be that ol' imbecile again."
"That sly fox? Are you sure is him lad?"
"I swear upon the highness of the sun. That filthy animal it is him, his obnoxious red coat catchy as fuck."
"What is he doing here, even?"
"He be up to no good. A useless piece of trash. Hypocritical brat. I spit on thee."
The squirrel climbed on top of an adjacent branch and tossed a berry to the bird.
"I thought he was still trying," said the squirrel. "They say he got really deep into that city business, climbing up the hierarchy, and he would start getting chunks of good food in a matter of months. Gotta do better than that though, cuz he be fucked a lot still. Betcha he didn't get more than a scrap of meat from them dogs."
"Ay he wish," the sparrow shook his head dismally. "Motherfucker doesn't know his limits. Motherfucker thinks he be Jesus. Look at the frown on his face, like fucking over us kind. Pathetic piece of shit, I reckon him retire on his own accord."
The squirrel watched him go, further and further from his sights. His tail dragging along the mud. The earth left a trail of his footprints. He was no longer to be seen. Ferns bowed over and examined the bits and remnants that he left behind. There was a delightful quality in all that he associated with. His paws left traces on the crusty soil that glitters in gold, the leaves and grass that laid fingers on his fur awakened with alacrity. The wind that brushed his hair sings a euphoric tune. The land on which he trod, and everything surrounding him, turned to his presence and rose from their slumber, ruminating as he passed by, for the beast they once knew seemed a little different today. It was as if there was a change in the way he looked that afternoon, puzzling and as enigmatic as life itself. Fuddled by his aura and bewitched by the power contained in his bowels, the world stopped moving. Those who knew him watched and waited, fondly and keenly, for him and the girl that preceded him.
It went on for as long as he could remember. She stopped at one point. She looked anxious. There was something holding her back, a looming concern. She turned to see her eager companion tailing closely with a cheeky smile, and her heart suddenly ached as her blood simmered beneath her skin. It was this brewing uncomfort inside her telling her to give in, to relinquish her idea and flee the scene. She closed her eyes, and the memories of their encounter rose to the surface. She remembered the praise and appreciation his otter friend had given him, and him urging her to meet and to know him - to probe him. How slim are the chances of such serendipity dawning upon her, for no other person in this world can re-enact the enthusiasm and passion he has for her. She was steadfast in her decision. She knew fate is guiding her every action thus far, and there is no other way out of this chain of events. She got back to her feet and dove through the gigantic hedge wall.
The sun rose to its peak, and its dazzling rays showered earth with a myriad of golden arrows. Down below the forest leaves filtered every beam of sunlight with a hue of green, and the world below the trees was like the interiors of a kaleidoscope. The forest hedges formed a circle and hemmed a large open area, where the sky was brimmed with a million dazzling patterns and the air was warm and fragrant. The tree stood at the very center, taller and prouder than the rest. It extended its arms, each of them intertwined with a million pink leaves and petals, embracing the forest floor in all its breadth. Tardily the fox strolled, stopped, and examined the land before him. Carefully he placed a soft paw into its demesne. A circumsphere of pink, where pinkness flurried down in a cascade, circled around his shoulders in a gaudy display of stunning beauty. He took another step, then another, as the cherry blossom petals landed on his back and neck, caressing him. She was standing gracefully at the trunk, masquerading behind the floral curtain, her head slightly slanting and dipping, her feet gathering at a single spot, and her tail, ever so soft and pretty, was swaying side to side with much grandeur and swag.
Without a word spoken, she summoned him closer and closer. He answered with every curious step, and the nearer he got and more he blushed, and backdrop seemed to fade from his sight, and the world shone on him and her only. She blinked flirtatiously, and he flew his arms around her and kissed her. She held on to his muscular torso, and they grew more and more intimate. A sudden loss of balance and they stumbled together. With a thud, she laid on her back, her soft white belly facing up, and her paws crouched on top of it submissively. He arched over her, eyes grazing over her bewildered face, as all sorts of crazed thoughts flew through his head. She blushed intensely, her beady eyes watery with desire. His limbs wrapped around her. Their tails touched and crossed. They kissed again, and he placed his chest against hers and felt her fervid warmth, which diffused through his veins and nerves and made his hair stood to their ends.
Slowly and steadily his snout scanned over her body. He stuck his tongue out and licked her neck, covering her naked skin with his saliva. She moaned in satisfaction, raising her trembling paws to push his head further down, such so that his tongue brushed through her stomach and groin until it ended up at her clitoris. Her moaning was incessant and it grew stronger as he forced her vagina open with a brazen dig. He could hardly contain himself as his penis poked out of his shaft and elongated. In a forceful lunge he sprang up and clutched tightly onto her shoulders, pressing his head against her side. Her heartbeat was powerful and energetic. The life was surging inside her, and all the fervor and the thirst pervaded from her body. In orderly, rhythmic thrusts he started prodding her in the hips. He gasped as he inserted into her, his rigid conoid genital wrapped entirely in her musky womb. She opened her eyes and breathed deeply, overwhelmed by the sensation of her organs. They stared deeply and longingly into one another. Petals settled on her ears, and she was laid bare, vanquished by his feral strength. He could feel the muscles in her body relaxing and her vagina tightening, as he strained to not leak early.
"Good boy." A whisper in his ears. Her blue eyes were like sapphire, enticing him with her lustful frown. The unhinged beauty. The unrefrained pleasure. He was losing his mind.
"Cirgale..." He grunted. "My name..."
"Good Cirgale," she muttered, and his thrusting gradually picked up speed. She cried out in excitement as she felt his penis shifting deeper and deeper into her body upon every successive thrust. The wind whirled and whistled and the ground was shaken, lifted and inverted. They could no longer tell the leaves from the trees, and sun from the stars, the day from the night. The endless stream of excitement ran through their cells like a torrent, and they edged and edged as if their lives depended on it. It persisted on and on, in an endless cycle as he would often taper for a brief while before undertaking another round of forceful thrusting.
She gulped and grunted. In a barely coherent voice she whispered to his face.
"I love...I love you." And the forest whispered after her.
He was totally lost. He was incapable of recalling anything from his former self. His mind drew a blank. Everything he thought he knew was merely an illusion. Nothing seemed to matter no more, as his penis bulged and his knot swelled. There was this special feeling that stood out from the rest, an elusive feeling, that he felt more when he looked down on her. A sense of accomplishment, of what he couldn't find ways to describe, but despite so had fully captured and mesmerized him.
 "I love you too..."
They climaxed. Cum streamed down the rim of her vagina. She could barely move a muscle. Her lascivious face vanished. Her feet were stretched into the open and frozen still. He was tired. After the unbridled fervor undertaken he was in one with her, never to be separated, never to be drawn apart. Soon they would recuperate from their wear and quietly nuzzle each other under the cherry blossom, forever so. Time was frozen ever since, and it no longer toiled, tampered, tormented the youthful living things on this planet.
The power of the moment never subsided. Two unassuming creatures of the forest had joined together and outshone the brightest star of the universe, towering over the biggest nova in the whole cosmos. Things that would never happen, and whatever the misfortunes they may lead, were effaced from existence as they all bowed and knelt before the new order, the order the two has decreed upon earth and all its living things...
Had this been true, would it change anything?
Would it give them any meaning in their lives?
Or perhaps time never does play a role in it after all?
Is it the answer...
The end is built into the beginning.
-The End? (back to chapter 1)-