2016年5月19日 星期四

Will Finding Dory be a FLOP? (Reviews & Insights) [Movie Reviews, Opinions, Essays & More!!]

Finding Nemo's sequel is 'swimming' its way to the big screen, but the hype is so great its trailers have caused storms in the internet over these months. But, what if this movie, Finding Dory, is NOT a good movie? What will that mean to all the fans and Pixar as a whole? Besides, is that possible?

Pixar over took Disney as the leading studio in animation at the strike of 2000s, during which Pixar proves to the audience that animation can possess the complexity and storytelling that can rival any other given live action film, so as there critical and box office reception. Monsters Inc, The Incredible, Toy Story are among Pixar's most famous collections, and Finding Nemo is one of them. Surely I don't think anyone of you should be here seeking for descriptions since Im pretty certain you have seen it. As the highest grossing film from Pixar after inflation adjustment, this movie is a spectacle. But what about Finding Dory? Early critics made guesses that Finding Dory will soar in box office success, surpassing 1 billion dollars worldwide and right on the heels of top-ranked Captain America 3: Civil War, when it comes to making a list of highest grossing films of 2016 summer. All the predictions are based on the premise that Finding Dory really does work, a higher-than-90%-RTrating film that possesses all the heart and humor that scintillates in the original. So, what if Pixar made a misstep? Well, fans will be VERY disappointed. VERY sad indeed. What I mean by this is that for a film that is going to disappoint audiences who waiting 13 years for the film, the sheer level of grief will be so big in either matches or surpasses the disappointment brought by BvS earlier this year. Lots of people saw Finding Nemo in the cinemas as a child or a teen, and they promised Pixar that there will be adult audience when Finding Dory comes out. don't believe me? Just check out the YouTube comments. You will be shocked at how many adults are commenting on the fact that there shall be more over 18 viewers than under 18 viewers.

Last time Pixar released The Good Dinosaur, which was mediocre in reception and even lost money during theatrical release. It exemplified Pixar's struggle to make consistent good movies nowadays, a phenomenon of the 2010s never worried before in the 2000s. Because of that, a few are concerned about the quality of probably the most anticipated movie of the year. If I am to opine, calm down guys, its gonna be alright.

First I'm talking about the advertisements. Disney has been giving a lot to advertise the film, a sense that they have made the film right and can't wait to show it to the world. Indeed advertising is common when we are talking about Disney, but the atmosphere in the Internet is just so positive, seeping with signs that Andrew Stanton and John Lasseter are brimming with confidence. Not to mention Ellen DeGeneres' frequent reference and support from her daytime show, the stakes seem to be to high for it to fall.

Besides, a 27 minutes screening of the beginning of Finding Dory has taken placed already at CinemaCon. There were a few people who saw it and gave promising comments afterwards, stating that the experience feels similar to the watching of Finding Nemo, boasting touching montages that are to rival the opening 10 minutes of 'Up'. With an opening that is already confirmed in quality, its hard to think of anything that will derail the movie as it progresses.

I love Finding Nemo. At first I was worried about the new characters as they look a bit less realistic and workable. Nevertheless, I am still confident to this moment that Finding Dory is going to be another classic in Pixar's canon, sitting alongside Toy Story 3 as the best animated movies of the decade (check out my review on Toy Story 3 below!!!!). As for now, I just can't wait for the release date.