2015年3月21日 星期六

Feel sad, but greatness is brewing

After the metamorphosis i look pretty much weared down and indifferent towards challenges. I am no longer a valiant warrior fighting for the sake of myself against the ascendancy of time. I want tranquility. Sth i waved adieu a long time ago, and now i want it back. interesting, it is, time to render effect towards us. Days has past and i abide by still wondering if i have a goal at all, or if im actually disoriented. In which i frankly accede to th3 latter.

Once, i describe life as a boat floating on the sea, without turbo, without external force. Let it be unbound, and let it drift its way to all the unaugured possibilities of life. What is the guide to its voyage? There ain't much. But time would tell the truth of its face. And today time has disclosed so many of them that im too filled to accept anymore. The ominous and truculent faces glancing at me, and steping forward in a pace commensurating with thr rythm of my trepidation. Then by the time i know for sure that the world is not apt to be conquered. Qnd the human figure i take as myself once being called hunter shd be considering himself the hunted indeed.
The boat is trapped in an enduring, adamant whirlpool. I am so lost in this swirling world suddenly turned so peculiar. Ask me to count down the last moments i still cherish the vestiges of nostalgia. I assure you, the asking would b3 as ludicrous as a grav3 digger r3surfacing his own grave.
There is the times of excellence. There are those of calamity. Pls beg me pardon, i condon3. My real self, my real world, my true dignity and effulg3nce. All scintillating at the palpable corners of the boundless universe, reciprocating my,call with a sign of approval. Do see me as a lonesome, dreary and wistful maverick loitering in the depths of humanity. I am far from human. A true great is never a star at the front of the world and its population. Do trust that no s5andards,guide the true winner and its winning way. The spark that breaks the night is my favourite example of world domination. Audacity, adamance, and complacency. Lastly the belief  may these not leave your way to the entrance of greatness